MaTerRE is one of the nine Major Research and Innovation Fields (DIM) labelled by the Île-de-France Region for the period 2022-2026. It brings together researchers from various disciplines around advanced eco-responsible materials.

Thematic axes :

  • Production, upgrading and management of strategic gases
  • New eco-compatible energy recovery and storage methods
  • Building materials
  • Recycling, Urban Mines and Eco-design

Methodological axes :

  • High throughput synthesis and characterization
  • Intensive numerical techniques
  • Architecture engineering of materials at different scales
  • Advanced characterization techniques
  • Economic study of the ecological transition

Network day

You are a student or researcher from Ile de France in one of MaTerRE’s themes?

Our annual day is an opportunity not to be missed to attend high-level conferences, exchange around your work, discover the funded projects, the funding and networking opportunities offered by our network.

Lunch offered upon registration.




Prof . Berend Smit (EPFL)

Photo Bertrand Rey

Since July 2014, Berend Smit is a full professor at EPFL.

Berend Smit’s research focuses on the application and development of novel molecular simulation techniques, with an emphasis on energy-related applications.

He will give the conference "Big Data in nanoporous materials: Science beyond understanding".

Prof. Jan Carmeliet


Jan Carmeliet has been Professor at the Chair of Building Physics at ETH Zürich since 2008. His research focuses on the multi-scale behavior of porous and granular materials, heat-air-humidity flux in the urban environment and energy systems at the building and city scale.

He will lead a conference on the design of new materials for evaporative cooling using Boltzmann Lattice modeling combined with materials design using Molecular Dynamics modeling for application to wood components.

Round table on technolgy transfert financing opportunities

Flash presentation of projects funded by DIM MaTerRE in 2023

Presentation of the first results of the projects funded by DIM MaTerRE in 2022

DIM MaTerRE opportunities: Calls for projects, Training, Mediation, Workshop

Presentation of the actions in communication and scientific mediation of the DIM MaTerRE




Registration is open until 8 November.

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